Slávka Feketeová, MBA, zástupkyňa riaditeľky (pracovisko Hummelova 4)

 I have been working in education as a pre-primary teacher for 12 years. I love working with children and believe that I can speak "their language," understand their individuality and uniqueness. I am very creative and enjoy introducing children to music since I play the piano well and even create my own music. However, I entered this profession after starting my own family and realizing that I have a wonderful connection with children. It has become my mission to foster their love for life, people, and the environment around them. I decided to pursue additional studies focused on preschool education. Additionally, as indicated by my degree, I have completed an MBA program at City University in Trenčín, where the entire curriculum was taught in English. Thanks to this, I had the opportunity to learn the language excellently and continuously improve in it. I have extensive experience leading a club for children that focuses on playful English language learning. I am thrilled that I can apply all of my previous experiences to working with your children. I believe that together we will create a beautiful family environment for them, where they will eagerly return every day, filled with a desire for new knowledge in both Slovak and English languages.  Thanks to this, I had the opportunity to learn the language excellently and continuously improve in it. I have extensive experience leading a club for children that focuses on playful English language learning. I am thrilled that I can apply all of my previous experiences to working with your children. I believe that together we will create a beautiful family environment for them, where they will eagerly return every day, filled with a desire for new knowledge in both Slovak and English language.

Leads the bilingual English class at the Hummelova 4 facility.

Scarlett Cabajová, učiteľka (pracovisko Hummelova 4)

Od mojich 7 rokov som chodila na základnú školu do Kittsee, neskôr na 8 ročné gymnázium v Neusiedl am See, kde som bola v športovej triede. Bola to zároveň trieda zameraná na cudzie jazyky ako angličtina, francúzština a latinčina. Samozrejme hlavným jazykom, v ktorom prebiehali všetky ostatné predmety, bola nemčina. Slovenských študentov na škole nás bolo v tej dobe veľmi málo, približne 5. Začiatky boli pre mňa veľmi náročné, nakoľko zo začiatku som nerozumela a všetko bolo pre mňa úplne cudzie. Štúdium v Rakúsku bolo veľmi ťažké, hlavne na veľmi kvalitnom Gymnáziu v Neusiedl am See. No môžem povedať, že moje detstvo strávené v škole v Rakúsku a moje každodenné cestovanie vlakom mi dalo do života veľmi veľa. Naučila som sa samostatnosti od skorého veku, odvážnosti a nebojácnosti cestovať do cudzieho sveta už ako dieťa.

Keď som dovŕšila 17 rokov, odcestovala som do USA na školu, kde som strávila rok v hosťovskej rodine. Napriek tomu, že som tam na začiatku zažila kultúrny šok, môžem nakoniec povedať, že môj rok strávený v USA, v Oregone, bol tým najúžasnejším rokom, aký som kedy zažila. Neskôr som študovala vo Viedni Transkulturálnu komunikáciu – Tlmočníctvo a prekladateľstvo. Mám obrovskú vášeň pre cestovanie a spoznávanie iných kultúr.

Som veľmi aktívny človek, ktorý je neustále v pohybe a nerada sedí. Aktívne športujem a tancujem salsu a bachatu. Okrem iného sa venujem aj nutričnému poradenstvu. Rada pozerám videa a počúvam podcasty v oblasti osobného rozvoja.

Práca s deťmi ma veľmi napĺňa, pretože im môžem odovzdávať lásku a tie správne hodnoty do života.Verím, že keď ku deťom človek pristupuje s láskou, pochopením a trpezlivosťou, môže toho dosiahnuť veľmi veľa.

Mgr. Hana Malíková, pedagóg –  pracovisko Gajova 8

Mgr. Alena Petrasová – špeciálny pedagóg, pracovisko Hummelova

Terézia Podhradská, Nikoleta Rambalová, Rebeka Miklošková –  talentované študentky pedagogiky, pracovisko Gajova, Hummelova

Viktória Romanjuk –  prevádzkar na pracovisku Hummelova 4

Yvetta Romanjuk –  prevádzkar na pracovisku Gajova 8

Founders of the Kindergarten of St. Michal

Ing. Tomáš Kováčik, PhD."I long for the establishment of more Catholic kindergartens in Slovakia, where beautiful friendships are formed." This briefly describes the motivation of one of the founders of Škôlka sv. Michala, Tomáš Kováčik, to embark on this endeavour. He desired for as many children as possible to receive the same goodness that his own children received in kindergarten.

JUDr. Jana Michaličková, PhD., Founder of the School: A lawyer working in the non-profit sector, a mother of two knights and one little princess, who desires to provide her children with education in the Catholic faith. However, there are very few available spots in Catholic kindergartens. She is the founder of another successful Private Elementary Art School in Trenčín, which she co-founded and has been leading with her mother for almost 17 years. "I wanted to utilize my experience in the administrative, legal, and financial management of a school in the place where my family currently resides, which is Bratislava. I believe that by creating a small family-oriented kindergarten with Christian education, we provide a place for children whose parents desire an education and upbringing of a community-based nature, with a focus on values."

More about us, our motives and goals in the media:

Otvárame novú škôlku v srdci Bratislavy, plníme tým sen o katolíckom vzdelávaní (
V bratislavskom Starom meste vznikla nová katolícka škôlka (rádio Lumen, 16:30)
Najnovšiu reláciu o našej škôlke, jej fungovaní, zásadách, inšpiráciách a jej zakladateľoch si môžete vypočuť na rádiu Lumen v relácii Lupa: