Our goals:
- We support the natural process of a child's independence through the transition from the family environment to the institutional education system, while respecting the bond between mother and child according to John Bowlby's principles
- We develop and appropriately complement the talents and abilities that the child naturally possesses in their individual makeup and family environment
- We foster the ability to share one's talents and gifts with the collective, teaching children to perceive differences as opportunities for generosity
- We prepare the child for their future school attendance, enabling them to be a creative and valuable contribution to any environment they enter
- We monitor the individual development of each child and document their maturation process
- We impart values of humanity, mutual love for others, selfless assistance, and willingness to help
- We guide children to recognise that even the smallest actions they take in life can contribute to the common good
Content of education:
- The German language is taught in a playful manner, with the consent of parents
- We incorporate an ecological dimension into our teaching in line with Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si
- With the youngest children, we focus on successfully achieving self-care activities such as dressing, eating, and hygiene
- We develop children's speech and conversation skills, along with communication abilities
- Comprehension of spoken and written words, as well as story retelling, are emphasized
- We encourage the development of children's artistic expression and monitor their individual progress
- Proper pencil grip is practised and children are prepared for school attendance
- A relationship with music and art is fostered, promoting musical abilities
- We teach the basics of simple mathematics and geometry
- Logical thinking is developed through play, educational toys, and exercises
- We work with information and learn to categorize based on what we have seen and heard
- Nature and the surrounding environment are explored, especially during educational walks
- We are learning to recognize the natural cycle of the day, week, year, seasons, holidays, and Catholic celebrations
- Road safety is taught and practised during daily walks
- We explore interpersonal relationships, learn etiquette, and cultivate consideration for others
- We address emotions, teach sharing and borrowing toys, and help children process anger, sadness, and joy
- Through the use of building blocks for kids, spatial and technical skills are developed
- We enhance motor skills through exercises and balancing activities, promoting healthy feet
- In outdoor activities, we engage in group games such as soccer and basketball.
And much, much more.
Functioning of the kindergarten
– deti sa vzdelávajú v prítomnosti dvoch pedagógov
– children are provided with individual approach according to their needs and abilities
– aplikujeme princípy rešpektujúcej výchovy
– dbáme na vytváranie zdravých vzťahov medzi deťmi rešpektujúc ich prirodzený vývin
– we regularly communicate with parents about their child's current needs
– budujeme komunitu rodín aj organizovaním externých podujatí (Akadémia rodiny)
– we support parents' activities focused on the development of the kindergarten, relationships, and the community of families
Daily schedule
7:00 – 8:00 Morning greeting for each child, a playful morning ritual, free unstructured activity based on children's choice, physical and relaxation exercises, and personal hygiene
8:00 – 9:30 Morning prayer, physical exercises, and educational activities according to the school curriculum
9:30 – 09:45 Snack
09:45- 11:45 Educational walk and outdoor stay
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-14:15 Personal hygiene, preparation for nap, naptime
14:30-14:50 Afternoon snack
15:00 -17:00 krúžky, aktivity podľa školského vzdelávacieho programu, pobyt vonku
Do we only want to pray all the time? No, children will primarily be educated through playful activities
– vieru odovzdávame prirodzeným spôsobom. V našom kolektíve privítame aj deti z neveriacich rodín, ktoré chcú rešpektovať tento rozmer našej škôlky.
– na sväté omše chodíme do Pápežských misijných diel vedľa našej škôlky alebo do Modrého kostolíka
– realizujeme edukáciu dramatikou, najmä zo strany profesionálnych hercov
– realizujeme ďalšie aktivity podľa aktuálnej ponuky (filharmónia pre deti, záchranári v škôlke, návšteva hasičskej stanice, krúžky angličtiny a logopédie, deň rodiny a deň detí, plávanie atď.)